Gajendra Moksana – The Liberation of Gajendra

Gajendra moksana – The Liberation of Gajendra

Gajendra Moksham is one of the most famous exploits of Vishnu in Srimad Bhagavatam. A recitation of this episode early in the morning has great immortal powers like the recitation of the sacred hymn Sri Vishnu Sahasranama. There is no disaster from which, the mighty and the compassionate Lord would not protect the devotees, that with faith and devotion remember His feet as their refuge.

The Elephant and the Crocodile

GajendraOnce a lordly elephant, leader of a herd, inhabiting that mountainous forest, roamed with his retinue of female ones, breaking through trees, bamboo clusters and clumps of cane. By the mere odour of animal, even lions and tigers not to talk of the elephants, hyenas, rhinos, pythons, sarabhas, yaks, wolves, boars, bisons, bears, porcupines, baboons, jackals, monkeys, all ran away in fear, while the weaker ones like the deer and the hares moved about joyously by the protective presence of that very animal. (20-22).

Oppressed by the heat of summer, dripping ichor and swarmed by bees settled on it for its sheer taste, tormented by thirst, accompanied by the whole herd of bull and female elephants and the young ones, almost causing tremors in the mountain by their weight, he smelt from afar the lotus pollen-filled breeze on the lake, and with eyes tremulous in a state of rut, speedily approached the vicinity of the lake. (23-24). Plunging into it, he drank to his heart’s content the immaculate, sweet ambrosial water, flavoured by the pollen of the golden lotuses, lilies, sucking it with his trunk and freely showering on himself, and with his fatigue gone, equally offering mouthfuls and a liberal sprinkle of bath to his retinue of cubs and female elephants like a loving householder, unaware in his self importance of impending peril (25-26).

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